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Kim-Doang Nguyen

Assistant Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Contact Information
(321) 309-3031
F.W. Olin Engineering Complex, 258


Machine Learning, Robotics, Data Science, Computer vision, Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, Engineering Education Research.

Educational Background

Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Current Courses

MEE2082 Applied Mechanics: Dynamics

MEE4080 Introduction to Robotics

MEE5650 Robotics

Selected Publications


K.D. Nguyen, P. Acharya, T. Burgers, Determination of Droplet Characteristics, U.S. Patent #18/054,830.

*Selected Journal Papers:

  1. Pham, H. & Nguyen, K. D. (2025). Enhanced Droplet Analysis Using Generative Adversarial Networks.
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Accepted for publication.
  2. Acharya, P. & Nguyen, K. D. (2025). Synchronization of Networked Brachiating Robots.
    International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, Accepted for publication.
  3. Huynh, N., Wagner, R., He, X., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Predicting the decomposition temperatures of metal-organic frameworks based on the pair distribution functions using a deep learning model.
    Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 369, p.113042.
  4. Pham, H., Acharya, P., Bachina, S., Osterloh, K., Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Deep-Learning Framework for Optimal Selection of Soil Sampling Sites.
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 217, p. 108650.
  5. Aikins, G., Berdanier, C. G., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Data proficiency in MAE education: Insights from student perspectives and experiences.
    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 03064190241290897.
  6. Pham, T. H., Li, X., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Seunet-trans: a simple yet effective unet-transformer model for medical image segmentation.
    IEEE Access, 12, 122139 -122154.
  7. Pham, T. H., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Soil Sampling Map Optimization with a Dual Deep Learning Framework.
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(2), 751-769.
  8. Huynh, N. and Nguyen, K.D. (2024). Real-time droplet detection for agricultural spraying systems: A deep-learning approach.
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(1), pp.259-282.
  9. Aikins, G., Jagtap, S., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). A Robust Strategy for UAV Autonomous Landing on a Moving Platform under Partial Observability.
    Drones, 8(6), 232.
  10. Aikins, G., Dao, M. P., Moukpe, K. J., Eskridge, T. C., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). LEVIOSA: Natural Language-Based Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Trajectory Generation.
    Electronics, 13(22), 4508.
  11. Huynh, T. N., Burgers, T., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Efficient Real-Time Droplet Tracking in Crop-Spraying Systems.
    Agriculture, 14(10), 1735.
  12. Pham, T. H., Aikins, G., Truong, T., & Nguyen, K. D. (2024). Adaptive Compensation for Robotic Joint Failures Using Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning.
    Algorithms, 17(10), 436.
  13. Acharya, P., Burgers, T. and Nguyen, K.D., 2023. A deep-learning framework for spray pattern segmentation and estimation in agricultural spraying systems. 
    Scientific Reports13(1), p.7545.
  14. P. Acharya, T. Burgers, K.D. Nguyen, "AI-Enabled Droplet Detection and Tracking for Agricultural Spraying Systems,"
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 202, 107325, Nov. 2022.
  15. K.D. Nguyen, "An Adaptive Control Framework for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems",
    Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Accepted, 2022.
  16. P. Acharya, K.D. Nguyen, H. La, D.K. Liu I.M. Chen, “Nonprehensile Manipulation: a Trajectory-Planning Perspective,”
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 26 (1), 527-538, 2021.
  17. K.D. Nguyen, “An Adaptive Compensator for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Time Delays”
    Automatica, 117, p.108976, 2020.
  18. K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Input-Delay Compensation in a Robust Adaptive Control Framework,"
    IET Control Theory & Applications, 13(11) 1718 – 1727, 2020.
  19. K.D. Nguyen, "A Predictor-Based Model Reference Adaptive Controller for Time-Delay Systems",
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(12) 4375 - 4382.
  20. K.D. Nguyen, Y. Li, and H. Dankowicz, "Delay Robustness of an Adaptive Controller for a Class of Systems with Unknown Matched Nonlinearities",
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(10) 5485-5491.
  21. E. Shata, K.D. Nguyen, P. Acharya, J. Doom, "A Series-Elastic Robot for Back-Pain Rehabilitation",
    International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 19 (2), 1054-1064, 2021.
  22. A. Reina, K.D. Nguyen, H. Dankowicz, “Experimental Validation of an Adaptive Controller for Manipulators on a Dynamic Platform”,
    Robotica 39 (4), 582-605, 2021.
  23. K.D. Nguyen, "Uniform Continuity and Delay Robustness of an Adaptive Controller for Lagrangian Systems",
    IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37 (2), 559-588, 2020.
  24. K.D. Nguyen and Dikai Liu, "Gibbon-Inspired Robust Asymmetric Brachiation along an Upward Slope",
    International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 17, pp. 2647–2654, 2019.
  25. K.D. Nguyen, "On the Adaptive Control of Spherical Actuators",
    Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 41(3) 816-827, 2018.
  26. K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Cooperative Control of Networked Robots on a Dynamic Platform in the Presence of Communication Delays,"
    Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 27(9):1433-1461, 2017.
  27. K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Delay Robustness and Compensation in L1 Adaptive Control",
    Procedia IUTAM (Elsevier), 22:10-15, 2017.
  28. K.D. Nguyen and H. Dankowicz, "Adaptive control of underactuated robots with unmodeled dynamics,"
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 64:84-99, 2015.
  29. K.D. Nguyen, I.M. Chen, Z. Luo, S. Yeo, and H. Duh, "A Wearable Sensing System for Tracking and Monitoring of Functional Arm Movement,"
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 16(2):213-220, 2011.
  30. K.D. Nguyen, T. Ng, and I.M. Chen, "On Algorithms for Planning S-curve Motion Profiles,"
    Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 5(1):99-106, 2008.


PI: Research/Scholarship Support Fund FY17

PI: Scholarly Excellence Fund FY18

Co-PI: Raven Industries, Testbed Grant 2019-2020

PI: SDBoR Competitive Research Grant 2019-2020

PI: SDBoR Competitive Research Grant 2020-2021

PI: NASA Project Innovation Grant Award 2021-2022

PI: General Mills, Collaborative Robotics Grant, 2021-2022

PI: USDA NIFA Food and Agriculture Cyber informatics Tools (FACT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Precision Agriculture grant 2021-2024, NIFA link

PI: USDA NIFA Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems (DSFAS), Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Precision Agriculture grant 2022-2025, NIFA link

PI: NSF Engineering Education and Centers (EEC) grant, 2022-2025, NSF link

PI: NSF CMMI grant, 2022-2025, NSF link

Professional services:
*Review panel: NSF, NASA

+Subject Editor for the Nonlinear Dynamics journal
+Editorial Board for the Scientific Reports journal
+Editorial Board member for the Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal
+Associate Editor for the Frontiers in Control Engineering journal
+Associate Editor for the 2021 IEEE Int'l Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Melbourne, Australia
+Associate Editor for the 2022 IEEE Int'l Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), Orlando, Florida
 +Associate Editor for the 2022 IEEE Int'l Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Prague, Czech Republic
+Associate Editor for the 2023 IEEE Int'l Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Hawaii, USA
+Associate Editor for the 2024 IEEE Int'l Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Malaysia
+International Advisory Board member for the 2025 Int'l Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2025),  Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA
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